Quick Chat with comedian CARL HUTCHINSON

17 Feb
Carl Hutchinson

Carl Hutchinson

I managed to have a chat with Carl Hutchinson who is at the moment supporting Chris Ramsey on his Feeling Lucky tour that’s currently sweeping the country. Hes working up and down the UK throughout 2013 including Edinburgh fringe festival and will surely be taking comedy by storm. He’s a down to earth Geordie lad and here’s what he had to say!

What’s it like being away from home then Carl?
2nd nature. I’m away loads with the Ramsey tour. Its great though because we are such good mates, its a couple of lads messing about all over the country. Can’t complain, there’s a lot worse jobs I could be doing.

Would you ever go back into teaching?
HELL NO! The whole “getting up early” is no good for me, I’m more of a night guy. If I could start at say, 12 and finish at 3…perhaps.

Worst heckle?
I want my 3 Pound back.

Best heckle?
I’m not being funny, but neither are you.

Do you feel like you have to be funny all the time?
No, but other people expect you to be funny all the time. I’m a comedian, not a jester.

Well keep your eyes peeled for more comedy from Carl Hutchinson I think that 2013 is going to be his year!

For details on his up and coming events visit carlhutchinson.net

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